An RSS feed (or news feed) is a means by which you can stay informed about what's going on at da Upper Yoopers' Barbershop+ Chorus without having to regularly visit the website.
To make use of an RSS feed, you need some "feed reader" (or "aggregator") software. Most modern web browsers have feed readers built in.
The RSS feeds for da Upper Yoopers' Barbershop+ Chorus are listed below...
This event is to inspire a global day of goodness by encouraging individuals, businesses & organizations to take one action of goodness, large or small, on this one day. It’s an action. It’s an event. It’s a movement. Too often, I hear the words “nothing I do will ever make a difference.” This day is to prove that one act of goodness multiplied by hundreds, thousands, and maybe millions can, and always will make a difference. (See more here.)
Da Upper Yoopers' Barbershop+ Chorus (UYBC) will be spreading goodness & joy through music. We will be giving a free performance for our vets & friends over at the Gwinn VFW on Friday 3/9/18. Check our event listing for more details.
Join the UYBC in fulfilling our mission to increase harmony in our communities (near & far). Wherever you are, please spread some goodness & let the coordinator know so they can tally the awesome actions of our communities.